Thursday, October 28, 2010

walking and thinking

One of the things I like best about taking long walks is the chance to clear my head. I did that today. Although I didn't measure it this time, but from past experience I can tell I walked about three and a half miles. Not so long, but just long enough.

While walking along (and pushing the stroller as the munchkin napped), I remember the first time I walked that route and remember cursing the big hills along the way. I remember being winded most of the way and grateful for the water I had brought along.

Then I realized "hey, this has become easy!" Today I had no water, yet I was fine. Sure, my heart rate came up a little, but not much and my recover was super quick. See there... all this hard work and sweat has paid off. ;-)

eating paleo

I am not a nutritionist or dietitian, nor do I play one on the interwebz. Take everything I say with a grain of sea salt. Your mileage may vary.

The more I've read on the subject of lifting weights and nutrition, the more I kept seeing references of the paleo diet and the amazing results people have been getting from changing their way of eating. This is no diet. It's a lifestyle change, but it's nothing new. It's how people ate thousands of years ago. The basics: lean meats, seafood, fresh veggies and fruit.

I don't want to type out a long post trying to convince you to give it a try. Instead check out this book: The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf, and decide for yourself.

What I can tell you is I have been eating about 90% paleo for the past two weeks and have already dropped five pounds. That is enough incentive to keep this up until Thanksgiving.

For the curious, here is a sample of a typical day...
breakfast: two scrambled eggs with about 4 ozs of leftover pork tenderloin and some green beans (all mixed together)
lunch: giant salad including spinach, bacon bits, mushrooms, carrots, sunflower seeds, tomatoes, and an egg
dinner: bibb lettuce salad including cucumbers, mushrooms and sunflower seeds, served with apple roasted pork roast, and a pear for dessert

In addition, I drink about three liters of water a day and take my vitamins (including fish oil). I feel great!

More links:
Robb Wolf
The Paleo Diet, Dr. Loren Cordain
The Paleolithic Diet Nutrition Page, lots of useful links

you can lift weights

Ladies, you are stronger than you think. You can lift weight. Think about it... how much do your kids weigh? Do you not lift them? Yet time and time again I hear women say they can not lift "heavy" weights. It's a lie. You can. You are strong and I need to hear you 'RAWR'!

Check out The New Rules of Lifting for Women by Lou Schuler. If you have not heard of this book, buy it now. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Buy this book today and read it from cover to cover.

I will not lie, the workout will kick your ass. That's the point. You need to see how strong you are.

Do not once think "I don't want to bulk up". Better yet, try it. See how hard you have to work to 'bulk up'. Instead, be pleasantly surprised when you do develop long and lean muscles.

getting started

So, here is the first post of the new blog... a place for me to share ideas, crazy notions and general rambling. Who am I? Hi! My name is Janie. I am a NASM certified personal trainer. I usually smell of patchouli. I can often be found wearing Vibrams. I have a husband, two little girls and three dogs. Welcome to my world.